Some things I like

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Youtube (Dartmouth Films)

Making a profit from Illness | THE DIRTY WAR ON THE NHS | John Pilger Health System Documentary

Our political system has opened up the NHS to profit making by corporations. It has been a choice by the politicians.
The Guardian

British politics is rotting from the bottom up: pity our crisis-hit local councils

With a broken election system this centralised power will not change anytime soon, much to the detriment of democracy, the standard of living and just about everything else for so many citizens of the UK.

"George Monbiot DESTROYS Tories On National TV" on YouTube

This man has just the right words for the current UK "government". The BBC programme "Question Time" is riddled with right-wing bias, but when he gets on and gets going.
In addition he has key words about UK farming.
And some solutions.
The New Daily

Alan Kohler: How Japan escaped neoliberalism and lived happily ever after

I do wonder what the so-called-economists are actually doing. For countries which have their own currency they have the "advantage" of being able to re or de value according to their needs. It also seems they can ignore neo-liberal dogma. It can be argued the whole thing is a rip-off.
The Guardian

Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels

And there we have it in plain sight. We are buggered. I assume the planet won't care when we are gone.

Rory Stewart On Empire, Austerity & Why Corbyn Was Right About Iraq | Ash Sarkar meets Rory Stewart

Very interesting discussion. Of course I lean with the leftie.

James O'Brien: How Tories destroyed Britain

Before people vote, it should be mandatory to view this video and have it explained.
Reschke Fernsehen

Lobbyismus für Besserverdienende: Die Show vom Bund der Steuerzahler

Just goes to show these "lobby" groups, such as the ones that live in Tufton Street in London, are just another way for "business" to get what they wish from the political system.
The Guardian

Britain’s pheasant shooting season has begun. And a year-round massacre makes it possible This article is more than 1 month old - George Monbiot

The Class System is alive and well in the UK, unlike the wildlife.
The Guardian

The subtle melancholy of Abba provides me with solace against the mean world

This is hilarious with a couple of serious points, poignant about humans.
Quotes: "In 200 years’ time, when the last human guts another over a fight for clean water in a burning world, they’ll have Voulez-Vous stuck in their head."
"Indeed, if Abba has a thesis, it is this – that as human beings we are fragile, affected ceaselessly by forces inside us that we can neither comprehend or control. This can cause us great joy. One of life’s cleanest pleasures is being affected by another. But it can also cause us great pain. One of life’s cleanest sorrows is being affected by another."
ABC News

The Voice campaign was infected with disinformation. Who's in charge of inoculating Australians against lies?

Last weekend Australians had a referendum in which an inocuous proposal to allow indigenous people a say in parliamentary affairs was thrown out. Up until several months before polling showed it would pass. Then it all changed. Our democracy and institutions have been shown to be very vunerable to mis-information. I have person experience of people who have gone down a rabbit hole, seemingly never to return. Conspiracy theories about, but the worst effect is the complete dissing of our scientific basis and systems. At the moment we seem to have no protection from bad actors.
The Guardian

Angry old men set the Middle East ablaze. The young will pay the price


Local decisions are better decisions

One of the reasons why the UK has failed - thanks to Thatcher - and has a democratic shortfall.

William E. Rees: The Enigma of Climate Inaction – On the Human Nature of Policy Failure

Why are we doing this? Well, we may be intelligent but we are also greedy, self-serving and stupid too.

0:00 / 51:27 Bill McGuire - Telling the Truth about the Climate Emergency

We have been deflected from the real issue. It seems to me humanity is actually going to suffer greatly and sooner rather than later. The saddest thing is we are taking much of life on the planet with us.

Economist critiques Labour and Tory economic policies | Mariana Mazzucato

The way economics could and should be if the right-wing didn't create so much FUD and lies.
Channel 4 News

Timothy Snyder is an American author and historian. He is a professor of history at Yale University and a fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna.

The rule of law and democracy. Fashism - It's back!
The Guardian

Every time a project like HS2 becomes a costly fiasco, we wonder why. So let me tell you: it’s clientelism - George Monbiot

The übercorrupt UK in a nutshell.
The Guardian

‘I saw how grotesquely unqualified so many of us were’: Rory Stewart on his decade as a Tory MP

There is a lot of common sense in this article.
The Guardian

The RSPB took on ministers and fell to earth. How it happened is a warning to us all - George Monbiot

Ususally one takes the advise to "follow the money", but the right wing have turned that off and the UK media has gone along with this ploy.

GB 0:00 / 5:30 Dr. Dan Goyal

Lie after lie after lie...


Just about sums up the Tories...
The Guardian

With the climate in peril, winning slowly is the same as losing. How can Starmer settle for that? - Caroline Lucas

The UK is just so broken. There are lobbying groups which have the ear of the Tories such as this lot who want to protect their gas boilers. These use Methane in leaky pipes, a gas which is 50 times more planet-warming than CO2. Oh, and this lobby group's insistence that hydrogen can be used instead of methane is simply wrong.

We are heading for a worrying five years under Labour

1)The public sector (the state) supports the private sector, not the other way around and 2)Non-sustainable, neo-liberal economic policies directed at growth and profit will again fail our economy.
The Guardian

With our food systems on the verge of collapse, it’s the plutocrats v life on Earth - George Monbiot

Well, I guess it's curtains for much of humanity before the end of century 21. We have allowed sections of the (greedy) population to do this to us. Did someone say "Humans - the most intelligent being on the planet"?

Der Kampf ums Klima: Wie uns die Öl-Industrie belügt

It is easy (with lots of money) to create doubt in the minds of the public. (Interesting idea of CCS too)

Republicans Don’t Own Patriotism | Robert Reich

Robert Reich has all bases covered, the Republicans in the US of A are not on your side.
Led by Donkeys

Water privatisation is a con

Tory dogma has cost the country billions. Public service monopolies should have nothing to do with private (profit making) organisations. Just train professional public service managers.
The Guardian

Punishment without trial: Britain’s latest weapon in the war against dissent - George Monbiot

This is horrific, the British legal system has been corrupted. And of course he has words to say on austerity and brexit too.
Channel 4 - Ben Elton

The Great Railway Disaster

How privatisation has buggered up the railways. (Let's not forget also energy and water.) And, he recently had a grand rant about the tories.
Lennart Meri

Ukraine in the New World Disorder

A real expert's analysis of the changing security/alliance situation. She knows her stuff.
The New European

Birth of a catastrophe: How the seeds of Brexit were sown in the 1960s

Interesting reflection on the last 60 years.
The Guardian

The Guardian view of Rishi Sunak’s economics: the morons are back in charge

What a state the UK is in - we know who's to blame.

Carol Vorderman eviscerates "patently corrupt" Tory government

The level of corruption is dramatic and in the open. The Tories seem not to care. Democracy anyone?
The National

‘How Britain Broke The World' shows how the breakdown of UK diplomacy

What an unholy mess.
The Guardian

I love electric vehicles – and was an early adopter. But increasingly I feel duped

A better comedian than engineer methinks. His point about using cars already manufactured is valid, but otherwise his criticism is basically unfounded.
The Guardian

UK firm given £430m green transition loan then expanded oil and gas business

Batshit crazy, using our tax money to kill the planet..
LBC, Youtube

The Brexiteer 'blame list' for Brexit | LBC

So many Tory lies..
Inktank, Finland

This list of all “Euromyths” printed by UK media proves how much right-wing press lies

Nothing to add, the UK media lies to their readers.. And here are the EU's responses...
The New European

Guy Hands: ‘I thought Brexit was frankly nuts’

Surprise, surprise, it was a project for the rich... Who'd have thunk it?

Care homes: Following the money trail

Capitalism in basic human services. Why is this even considered, let alone tolerated? Money grabbers buy (sometimes public) assets with borrowed money (meaning they have very little to loose and massive financial leverage) and suck the life out of it and then sell up.
The Guardian

There is a way to oust the Tories, and stop them ever rising again. Why won’t we do it?

This has been obvious for a long time. However, I can't see it hapenning any time soon, which means the country is buggered. The Tories blame everyon except themselves.
Robert Reich

Why a new progressive era in America is likely — in about 20 years

Things are possibly set to change in the US of A...

A reminder for when the electioneering starts

Yep, the UK has been screwed for many years...

At last, England’s dying rivers are an election issue – and the danger isn’t just sewage - George Monbiot

Despicable politics....


I'm slowly coming to the conclusion, it is actually too late now...

"You Can't Eat Sovereignty" - Economist Blames Brexit For Sick Man Of Europe Status!

The UK media sold the population a pup....
The Guardian

Brexit caps 40 years of Conservative failure that Starmer fears to oppose - William Keegan

Decades of wrong decisions, and no clear path out by "The Opposition". Madness!

George Monbiot interview: Conspiracy, oligarchy, and why we need to reintroduce wolves to the UK

Well, on summary, I would suggest it´s now already too late. There is no way we change change the ways we do things, especially given the effect capitalism rules our lives - essentially we allow agressive, greedy people to dominate our lives.
The Guardian

£3.5m of Tory donations linked to pollution and climate denial, says report

The Guardian

The UK’s ‘green day’ has turned into a fossil fuel bonanza – dirty money powers the Sunak government - George Monbiot

The Guardian

Lest we remember how Britain buried its history of slavery

A good summary of what was done by Britain. Should be required reading for all school children.
The National

Covid struck and Britain locked down. Here’s what we learned from that – and what we must do next time - Devi Sridhar

A good summary of what was done right, and wrong.

"It's completely unlawful," says Chris Daw KC on the Govt's proposed Illegal Immigration Bill

The facts on "illegal immigrants" show how racist the Tories actually are.
The National

'Urban myth' GERS figures debunked by Scottish economist's research

How the UK screws Scotland when it comes to their economy.

Invest in the UK!

Ah, modern levels of Tory corruption...

This is how deliver a classic joke....


Gazprom - Die perfekte Waffe

A rather good, detailed review of how Putin and his "team" managed to manipulate the West, specifically Germany, businesses such as BASF and how Gasprom corrupted just a small number of politicians to get their way.

Why Aren’t Energy Flows Diagrams Used More To Inform Decarbonization?

A lot of energy is simply wasted.

Welcome to the Private Police | A Bit of Fry and Laurie | BBC

Hillarious, except theConservativesin the UKhave either sold-off or privatised so much ofthe common resources.

The UK poor are worse off....

“The poorest fifth of the population are now much poorer [in the UK] than most of the poorest countries in central and eastern Europe,” says MyStephanomics. “They would be better off in quite poor countries in the European Union.”
Ah, 13 years of Tories.

UK has been 'gaslit' for 13 years, says James O'Brien | LBC

Ah, there we are...
The Guardian

Gove admits ‘faulty’ guidance partly to blame for Grenfell fire

Ah, the right-wing consider protections to be just "red tape" and so we see the consequences. Cameron wanted a two-for-one downsizing of protections and the current set of right-wing Tories in power want a "bonfire" of UK regulations put into place when the UK was a member of the EU.
The Guardian

The UK government knows it’s on borrowed time – that’s why it’s tearing up our freedoms - George Monbiot

This stuff is simply evil.

'Outrage' if UK blocks Scotland's gender recognition reform bill, says Nicola Sturgeon

Ah, nothing like respecting democracy...
The Guardian

Call for new taxes on super-rich after 1% pocket two-thirds of all new wealth

Somewhat weird. He don't do no US accent methinks.
The Guardian

Revealed: Exxon made ‘breathtakingly’ accurate climate predictions in 1970s and 80s

And we are supposed to welcome and spend huge subsidies turning this and the other oil and gas corporations into green energy providers? They will, once again, ripp us off in every which way.
The National

ScotWind: The key mistake in the project – and what we should do instead

Basically handing mega profits to corporations using public resources, rather than funding these projects directly for the benefit of the public purse.
Herald Scotland

Wales to set up own public energy firm after Scots Gov blows plan

If Wales can do it...

How to build a wood skyscraper

Good to see timber being more widely used. Renewable has to be better than concrete.
Le Monde

Joseph Stiglitz: 'The Road to Fascism'

An exceptionally good commentator.


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